N64 analog module refurbishment techniques tier list – 5.1

Refurbishment techniques

In this post we will explore the vast variety of refurbishment techniques you could employ to save your old N64 parts. Some of these are easier than others but please bear in mind, that these may end up making your parts worse. Do these at your own risk!

Tape method: 0/10 method: 

Tried this as a meme with some sticky tape and would not recommend. The stick feels sticky and imagine lubing this up and urgh… nah. Just don’t please.


Epoxy/putty on gears and bowl: 0/10 – 8/10 method:

Okay this way does seem to yield some amazing results. One HUGE problem is that you could end up fucking up everything the stuff touches. However, if you were to take enough time and patience you are maybe able to get a great feeling stick. The major area is making sure the services are smooth and equal):

    • Epoxy alternative fix:

    N64 Joystick Permanent Fix And Maintenance (Non Tape Method) – lukemorse1


    Ghus’ sacrificing old parts to refurb existing ones: 0/10 – 10/10 method:

    Shout out to vitorr for some further context behind this one, they write the following about this method of repair:

    refurbishment techniques: Ghus comments

    I don’t think I could endorse this method as melting plastics can be harmful for health to help, however if you could find away to do this safely then it makes a lot of sense. A steady hand and a gas mask needed.

    tutorial – consertando o analogico do controle do n64 – ghusdark

    • (Translation: a tutorial on how to fix the analogue stick (control stick) of the Nintendo 64 controller, so that it is sensitive as new (depends on the skill of the “artisan” uhauhauhauh only try to follow this tutorial if you guys trust yourself. I don’t want anyone complaining about having fucked up the control another contribution from EliteBrasil.net to gamers in Brazil (and because not the world))


    Support piece: 1/10 – 7/10?? Method:

    Wow this looks fiddly as all hell, however the end result is actually quite cool. However as with all parts, the pen bit will wear down as all the parts are still plastic. Saying this however, with the right amount of lube, these parts could last a white


    Wally’s Support piece method: 5/10 – 8/10:

    This is a great little idea that is elegant in its execution. You install a metal ring below the ball of the stick and it acts as a shim, pushing the stick hight up. This makes the stick tighter as it offsets any bowl wear.

    As refurbishment techniques go, it’s quite a fiddly mod, you’ll need access to tools. Also I can see this wearing the axis gears down as it will be metal on plastic, however maybe if the shim was a plastic it may offset this.

    Either way, a very practical DIY solution to a wobbly stick!

    refurbishment techniques: support piece with gear
    refurbishment techniques: support piece


    GC replacement board ?/10 method:

    This kinda of looks cool as a tinker project. A lot of reading to digest. However, these boards are out of stock currently, I think there are resources to make your own though).

    Alka Maass has some experience with the micro v3 pcb:



    Hardcore GCstick mod and other sticks shoved in an N64 controller: ?/10:

    Interesting mods that require some more in depth electrical skill, time and patience. 

    Gamecube analog stick in N64 controller mod – severatius

    Using Bondic Plastic Weld to replace the missing gaps: 6/10 – 10/10:

    bondic 1.jpg

    So out of the blue I get this message about Bonic plastic weld. I was curious about this as Ive never heard of this before but the premise was interesting; replace the plastic, UV light, done!
    Now in practice it was easier said than done and I do think with enough patience and time you could get some seriously good results using this method.
    Thanks Jay, enjoy 5% off the store for the tip <3

    N64 gear repair Bondic plastic weld. (No sound) – N64US

    N64 Gear repair Bondic plastic weld #2 (No Sound) – N64US
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