Change log – 7.1

Change log

V0.9.8First release on the 125 links so far change log updated – May 21, 2021, 07:20:48 am

v.0.9.9 – Preliminary v.1 release. Pictures and one section to be written up Dec 11th 2021 17:30:00 pm

v1.0Full release. Nomad stick, alt controllers, artwork N64 , pictures and mobile friendly site finished change log updated Dec 21st 2021 09:24:00 am

v.1.0.01 – Fixed issue with some Mac and mobile sites. Some text edit because I cant spell. Shoutouts to jwaterman and xein for this Dec 21st 2021 6:00 pm

v.1.0.02 – I hate my life for having to deal with this shit formatting…… like really. Rearranged all the pages so they fit within these dumbass lines that exist. Hopefully this solves some issues with spacing over multiple devices. Mobile site is arse but i may have to break everything up in the text boxes if things persist. 22nd Dec 2021 16:49 pm

v1.0.1 – Kill me. My laziness caused the annoying picture shuffle. I think I have fixed everything. Going to go on social media and pray everyone can read everything properly lol. Made major edits to the back end text framing and some minor text edits as I cannot spell. 3/1/2022 – Happy new year to all.

v1.1. – Added ReStick to Future section, added ‘next page’ button, added list of contents on every page, added anchors – 09/01/2022

v.1.1.2 – Quality of life updates in line with huge website redesign. some more spelling mistakes sorted, navigation at the top of pages is WAY better to look at . Added MissionNo stick, Alinktotao and updated WTFParts logo on The Future page. 31/04/2022

v.1.1.3 – HAHAHHAA SO FUNNY. I foolishly thought that i could just hip skip over the guidelines of the webpage FOR EVERY FREAKING PAGE. This messed up the zoom, mobile site and basically every element on the website. Fixed all the pages, should be universally browser friendly. I only am on 5 hours sleep.. help me. 31/04/2022

v1.1.4 – Added updates for WTFParts store, Nomad, Enkko or ennko or eneko IM DYSLEXIC OKAY, bondic glue repair, new steel stick project added as well! – 23-08-2022

v1.1.5 – Minor updates 10D and Verso added. Also updated the active projects links. Im married and im actually so so happy about it. 23/10/2022 (wtf 2 months since last update)

v2.0WordPress migration. Yoast SEO completed to good standard, readability improved, ChatGPT has been used to improve readability and make some text active (i’m dyslexic and its been an amazing tool wow!). Bascially a massive web update to reduce cost and increase flexibility. May 22nd, 2023 12:29pm (2 years since the first iteration!!)

z2.0.1 – Massive changes to how everything is linked. Everything is now off WIX and on wordpress. Took me about 1 whole month to get everything all sorted out. 14-06-2023


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