Aftermarket N64 analog module parts tier list – 4.2

Individual Part replacements
The below list names all the major websites where you can buy or pre-order individual replacement N64 module parts.
3rd party module parts: Possible (Unless confirmed) C tier and below 2/10 – 7/10 replacements*
Keep in mind that unless it states confirmed, these are all unconfirmed until tested.
Ubermicro (CONFIRMED – See Kitsch-bent)
- I got these through just after Kitsch-Bent restocked and at first glance they looked exactly like Kitsch-Bent. From the finish of the gears to the response in a controller. I am currently writing up the Kitsch-Bent review so just go read that.
- How to install:
StangBoy (REVIEW IN PROGRESS – In stock)
- This guy made a big impact on reddit and apparently the parts are primo. They use carbon printing technology so it will be interesting to see how these turned out. When I reviewed PRINTom3d’s 3d printed gears I was impressed, however the use of graphite hurt the unit in my opinion. I will review once obtained.
Kitsch Bent (CURRENTLY REVIEWING – In stock
- Insanely popular gears, very cheap and widespread. Currently writing the review but these honestly are the most common and mentioned parts on the web.
PRINTom3d (CONFIRMED – 84/100 by – Review below – In stock)
- Gears in stock as well as plans for other parts including a full N64 module. He is loving sent me some parts to play with and a full write up is on
- Gears are 3D printed, he uses technical resin as opposed to classical resin (not sure what the specific are of these), however the strength of the product seems to be increased.
GenovaGames (Not reviewed) – In stock)
- Gears in stock, however 3D printed and it looks quite obvious when zooming into the pictures, frayed plastic, uneven gears. I would like to get hold of these for testing before I can recommend
3rd Party A-tier module parts: Possible (unless confirmed) 7/10 and above (CONFIRMED – 72/100 by – Review below – In stock):
- No idea about the quality of these: “will restore 2 controllers to about an 8 out of 10 firmness”.
- “…restore the joystick to a firmness of 7 or 8 out of 10 (depending on its current condition).”
- [b]Full WTFParts review with interview pieces as well
Shapeways (Not reviewed)/Currently testing)
- I previously marked these as below 7/10 as El Man has noted inconsistency with these parts. In addition, they are other mentions on the internet of their subpar replacements/inconsistencies. HOWEVER, I am currently testing some items from shapeways so watch this spot.
3rd party S tier module parts: 10/10 sexy confirmed.
Steelsticks (CONFIRMED – ((Grade A bowl only) 97/100 by – Review below – Out of stock):
- Incredibly inactive on the website and on social media. The future of this project is very much unknown. His website recently went down for a week, however nothing was updated stock wise that I noticed.
El Man64 (Not reviewed – Out of stock):
- The OG that created the files to make N64 part 3d printing possible and N64 part design possible. Out of stock due to not being able to find a good part manufacturer (Has mentioned inconsistencies with Shapeways). References Steelsticks for parts to use in conjunction with)
- Very inactive but has recently teased a new, completely redesigned stick, The eL Stick?
- N64 Hybrid Slim Stick Overview:
- Initial impression video and I quote “Better quality than steelsticks”. One observation is that on the input display on the right, the range of movement looks insane
- More info in ‘The Future’ section